Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Night Before

I begin my internship tomorrow. I'm pretty excited actually. I haven't had a job in over two years and I've gotten pretty accustomed to the life of a student.

I'm also a bit nervous. I'm going to be working with a new group of people that I don't know much about. I hope that I like them and they like me. My impression from the interview is they are a pretty laid back group which suits me very well. At any rate, I'll know much more about the situation by the end of this week.

I'm going to work for a company that manages a website for a magazine about Linux. I know very little about Linux so I'll need to come up to speed on that rather quickly. There will be a lot of content management using Joomla. I am very interested in learning how to use this software so I am excited to be doing that.

Karen, my supervisor emphasized in the interview that I would be spending some of my time monitoring spam on the messageboards. I hope this doesn't occupy too much of my time as I feel it would be a waste of my internship. We'll have to see how that goes.

Tomorrow is the day I begin.

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